

the facilitator

participatory considerations

application for participation


    Participation within a workshop of SEI is something which must be very carefully considered, specifically because of the intensity and potential power of the overall experience.  At the heart of participation in the activities of SEI is a pursuit of healthy holistic integration of body, mind, and spirit.  Essential to this pursuit are the fundamental qualities of truth and purity. 
    Consequently, although no negative judgment toward individuals who choose to utilize such substances is intended, any use of mind or emotion-altering drugs, alcoholic beverages, or any similar substance is considered to be incompatible with the mental, emotional, and spiritual integration that SEI seeks to create. 
    Specifically because participation requires significant physical exertion and at least minimal agility, this workshop is not recommended for those who (1) have a heart condition, (2) take medication for a heart condition or for the prevention of strokes, or (3) require mobility assistance devices of any kind.  Sincere apologies are extended to any so-affected but otherwise interested person(s).  If you are unsure of whether this paragraph applies to yourself or you would otherwise be very interested in participating in a workshop, please contact the workshop facilitator to discuss your abilities and limitations more specifically. 
    Creating an adapted workshop specifically for persons with certain disabilities, is certainly an option also.  No SEI workshop is to be considered a substitute for professional psychological or psychiatric intervention.  If you are currently collaborating with a mental health professional in the management of mental or emotional conditions, be sure to discuss your interest in participation with him or her thoroughly before registering for participation in an SEI workshop. 
    Additionally, specifically because the experience and altered state of conscious that is created is one of heightened truth, it is essential to be prepared to embrace absolute honesty in relation to one’ self.  If there is anything negative within one’ self-awareness, self-perception, or self- definition, there is a distinct probability that it will be the first thing encountered within the overall experience the workshop creates.  If one is ready to discover, to face, and to embrace the complete wholeness of one’ self, however, miracles of inner healing and quantum leaps of personal growth become distinctly probable possibilities. 
    Each participant is required to sign a release prior to participation, acknowledging personal freedom and responsibility to respectfully withdraw at any point and for any reason the participant deems necessary and to communicate with the facilitator about any and all important shifts in his personal experience.  Later re-entry during the same workshop is not allowed. 
    The specific content of each participant’ internal experience may be shared or held privately, as the participant wishes.  For some, the internal content of the experience may seem too personal to share openly.  For others, the validation and support of other participants may prove to be specifically empowering and helpful.